D In A Different Language

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(Credit: Anna Kutukova/Shutterstock) While the world’s population is steadily increasing, the number of spoken languages is actually decreasing. The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) looked at factors like intergenerational language transmission, total number of speakers and percentage of speakers within a population, and found that about 2,700 of the world’s 6,700 languages, each carrying generations of worldviews and cultural traditions, are at risk of extinction. The list includes a wide range of linguistic situations, everything from languages with millions of speakers failing to pass down their native dialects to tiny populations trying to grow their almost-forgotten tongue. In an effort to capture the sounds of these rare languages before they disappear, the project asked 25 native speakers of dying tongues to record their translation of an ever-relevant quote often attributed to Italian film director Federico Fellini: “A different language is a different vision of life.”.

%d is used to format the output in C programming language. If we want to print an integer, we use%d. It is called a format specifier. Refer to List of all format specifiers in C programming for a complete list of format specifiers. Support the D language. D is made possible through the hard work and dedication of many volunteers, with the coordination and outreach of the D Language Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. You can help further the development of the D language and help grow our community by supporting the Foundation. Colour words in many languages. The eleven colour words on this page have been indentified in various studies as the most common across most languages, although the actual colours represented by each of the colour words are not nescessarily exactly the same.


The project sought out diminishing languages in locations ranging from developed cities to rural villages around the world. They include languages like Lombard which, despite having 3,500,000 speakers throughout Italy and Switzerland, is decreasing in popularity due to disinterest among young urbanites. They also studied much smaller languages like Nawat, spoken by only 200 people in El Salvador, that are experiencing growing numbers of second language learners. Below, we highlight a few languages from each end of the spectrum: Wiradjuri, a language with only 30 speakers that’s undergoing a revival, Choctaw, a Native American language with 9,500 speakers and strong educational efforts, and Belarusian, a slowly dying dialect spoken by millions. Wiradjuri – “Muriguwal dyiba dhuruwirradhi muriguwal ngaanyi murunhi.”. ( Credit: GoCompare) With just 30 speakers remaining, Wiradjuri is an indigenous Australian language that falls into UNESCO’s “critically endangered” category. The Wiradjuri people have occupied a region of New South Wales for over 40,000 years, but when European settlers entered the area in the early 19th century, their population and language began to dwindle. But despite having so few speakers, its future looks rather promising.

Programs to teach indigenous languages in Australian public schools have been successfully implemented, and a was recently published. With some luck, its grim trajectory could be reversed. Choctaw- “Anompa inla ish anompolahinla hokmvt, okchanya inla ish pinsahinla.”. ( Credit: GoCompare) Despite having about 4,000,000 speakers, one of Belarus’ official languages is at risk of dying off. Belarusian, which dates back to the 13th century, was spoken by the elite class in the 18th century, but declined in the 19th century when Russian and Polish were introduced to the education system. Known as a “peasant language” in the years that followed, the dialect never fully recovered. An effort was made to popularize the language when Belarus declared independence from the Soviet Union in 1990, but with so many Russian speakers already occupying the area, the resurgence never happened.

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Now, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus says that Russian is the primary language in both Belarus households and schools, with many unable to speak or read Belarusian at all. Given the failed attempts to grow in the past, Belarusian may disappear before our eyes. Although organizations like UNESCO work toward protecting endangered languages by promoting multilingualism and supporting resurgence efforts, some will inevitably fade out. With each language hanging on to a unique set of values, perspectives and historical contexts, it’s important to preserve distinctive dialects while we still can.

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The%*d in a printf allows you to use a variable to control the field width, along the lines of: int wid = 4; printf ('%*d n', wid, 42); which will give you:.42 (with each of those. Characters being a space). The * consumes one argument wid and the d consumes the 42. The form you have, like: printf ('%*d%*d n', a, b); is undefined behaviour as per the standard, since you should be providing four arguments after the format string, not two (and good compilers like gcc will tell you about this if you bump up the warning level).